
I work with individuals in the late 20’s and beyond, including young professionals and entrepreneurs. People at important crossroads of their lives trying to figure out new roles and  responsibilities, personal or professional.

1.  1 on 1 Coaching

One to one coaching will help you raise. your game, unravel a problem, execute a new task, master a new skill or find direction, purpose and ultimately balance in your work and life.

2.   Group Coaching

Bringing together individuals with differing abilities and amalgamating them into a cohesive entity to perform as one.  Helping the individuals to create action, decision and self-discovery within the group

3.   Business Coaching

Helping businesses to grow, increase profitability, improve the performance of their employees, or resolve issues such as high worker turnover, low morale, employee burnout, or poor communication. Helping businesses of all sizes come up with solutions, strategies, and action plans for attaining their goals.

   Some of the areas I work with  

  • Change Management
  • Goal Setting
  • Strategy and Vision
  • Performance Management
  • Lifestyle Building
  • Team Dynamics
  • Holistic Living